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Lucknow is, perhaps, the only state capital in the country where the politics of colour dominates the development projects of the city.signs-factory. The stages for all programmes attended by the then chief minister, were draped in blue.

Prof Ramesh Dixit, a retired professor in political sciences, explained the competition among parties to popularise their  preferred party colour. The blue colour flew off the railings and road dividers and an emphatic green replaced it. Stages for official events had bold red and green backdrop, and the official phone directory turned green.”The colour of this signage will also inform you about the party that is in power in Uttar Pradesh.Lucknow is, perhaps, the only state capital in the country where the politics of colour dominates the development Lucknow: As soon as you alight from a train or an aircraft in Lucknow, the first signage that greets you, says, “Muskuraiye ki aap Lucknow mein hain.

Under Mayawati’s rule, the official phone directory also came with a blue cover and government hoardings had a blue background. This makes it easy for them to campaign with T-shirts and gamchas in the colours of their parties,” he said.The BSP rallies were known for men painting their bodies in blue and carrying blue elephant replicas.The red-green colours of the SP party flag.Spotting the chief minister’s penchant for all things saffron, the state bureaucracy went into an overdrive and got saffron curtains, saffron towels, saffron diaries, saffron wholesale Custom sign hoardings and saffron flowers for government programmes and offices. They use this to justify the huge amounts of money spent in replacing signages and re-painting railings and gates,” he said.The politics of colour was initially started by the Bahujan Samaj Party in 2007 when the party came to power with a comfortable majority on its own and blue become the dominant colour of official signages. Incidentally, the colour of traffic cops’ has remained so since then.

State minister Siddhartha Nath Singh defended the saffron wave and said, “Saffron is a colour that denotes positivity.Politics of colour thrives in Hindi belt THE ASIAN AGE.For Ms Mayawati, the brain behind colour branding in politics, her election as chief minister was a time to go blue — the party’s official and flag colour — with a vengeance.workers with their bodies painted blue. BSP’s Mayawati painted Lucknow blue, SP’s Akhilesh Yadav replaced it with a dash of green and red and now it’s Yogi’s turn to go saffron.All road railings and signage were painted blue, traffic constables also got a change of uniform — white shirt and blue pants in place of an all white dress. Uttar Pradesh’s chief ministers are known to go into an overdrive to promote their party flags’ colours. The rising sun is saffron in colour.China 3D signs Suppliers projects of the city.“The bureaucracy has played a major role in fuelling this colour politics. What is the problem if we want to bring positivity into the government?”They are the ones who go into an overdrive to please their political bosses.“

The parties that pursue politics of colour want their voters to identify with colours.When the Samajwadi Party came to power in 2012, the first decision taken by its chief minister Akhilesh Yadav was to change the colour of official signages to green.Public transport buses which have got a saffron coat of paint under the BJP government led by Yogi Adityanath.When the BJP came to power last year, chief minister Yogi Adityanath shunned the rival parties’ colours  and started the saffron revolution

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[ ۶ دى ۱۴۰۰ ] [ ۰۶:۴۰:۴۸ ] [ fofinisil ]

It may be noted the government had in July 2016 renamed the Barapullah Flyover as Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Setu, but did not put up the signage boards. “After announcing to rename the Barapullah flyover as Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Setu dedicated to 300th anniversary of the martyrdom of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur ji, Mr Kejriwal forgot his announcement.wholesale back lit letters Tags: arvind kejriwal, manjinder singh sirsa.Delhi Chief Minister Arvind KejriwalNew Delhi: Alleging that Delhi chief minister and AAP .

He said that he took up the matter with the chief minister by writing a number of times and also instructed officials of the public works department to put up signage board.‘Kejriwal went back on his word’THE ASIAN AGE.After putting the signage board, Mr Sirsa said that Mr Kejriwal is a habitual offender and a liar who always forgets his promises once the elections are over. Mr Sirsa also cautioned the AAP government as well as the concerned officials to refrain from making any changes in the present convener Arvind Kejriwal has failed to live up to his promise of renaming Barapullah after Baba Banda Singh Bahadur, the Shiromani Akali Dal and BJP combine MLA Manjinder Singh Sirsa and his team put signage boards at the Barapullah flyover.

Mr Sirsa also cautioned the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government as well as the concerned officials to refrain from making any changes in the present situation.The SAD-BJP leader said that if Mr Kejriwal makes any changes, I am sure the people will give his government a befitting response in the coming Assembly polls.But it appeared that the chief minister had made up his mind not to let this bridge be renamed after the great national hero, so the officials also did not act.signs-factory.

By doing so, he had tried to belittle the Indian national hero about whom even PM Narendra Modi had said that he bowes his head before this great personality,” added Mr Sirsa.“Keeping the sentiments of the people in mind they have today put up a signage board to rename this bridge Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Setu and hence after today it will be known by this name,” said Mr Sirsa

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[ ۶ دى ۱۴۰۰ ] [ ۰۶:۰۶:۵۶ ] [ fofinisil ]

It may be noted the government had in July 2016 renamed the Barapullah Flyover as Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Setu, but did not put up the signage boards. “After announcing to rename the Barapullah flyover as Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Setu dedicated to 300th anniversary of the martyrdom of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur ji, Mr Kejriwal forgot his announcement.wholesale back lit letters Tags: arvind kejriwal, manjinder singh sirsa.Delhi Chief Minister Arvind KejriwalNew Delhi: Alleging that Delhi chief minister and AAP .

He said that he took up the matter with the chief minister by writing a number of times and also instructed officials of the public works department to put up signage board.‘Kejriwal went back on his word’THE ASIAN AGE.After putting the signage board, Mr Sirsa said that Mr Kejriwal is a habitual offender and a liar who always forgets his promises once the elections are over. Mr Sirsa also cautioned the AAP government as well as the concerned officials to refrain from making any changes in the present convener Arvind Kejriwal has failed to live up to his promise of renaming Barapullah after Baba Banda Singh Bahadur, the Shiromani Akali Dal and BJP combine MLA Manjinder Singh Sirsa and his team put signage boards at the Barapullah flyover.

Mr Sirsa also cautioned the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government as well as the concerned officials to refrain from making any changes in the present situation.The SAD-BJP leader said that if Mr Kejriwal makes any changes, I am sure the people will give his government a befitting response in the coming Assembly polls.But it appeared that the chief minister had made up his mind not to let this bridge be renamed after the great national hero, so the officials also did not act.signs-factory.

By doing so, he had tried to belittle the Indian national hero about whom even PM Narendra Modi had said that he bowes his head before this great personality,” added Mr Sirsa.“Keeping the sentiments of the people in mind they have today put up a signage board to rename this bridge Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Setu and hence after today it will be known by this name,” said Mr Sirsa

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[ ۶ دى ۱۴۰۰ ] [ ۰۶:۰۵:۵۴ ] [ fofinisil ]

Russia implements Turkish sanctionsUS President Barack Obama urged Turkey on Tuesday to reduce tensions with Moscow after the downing of a Russian warplane and to seal its border with Syria to choke off the supply of money and fighters to ISIS militants. “We all have a common enemy, and that China Custom Light Box letter Signs Manufacturers is ISIL, and I want to make sure that we focus on that threat,” Mr Obama said.“I think M.“The United States supports Turkey’s right to defend itself and its airspace and its territory,” Mr Obama said. Mr Putin supports Mr Assad, while Mr Obama and Mr Erdogan want him to go. “I don’t expect that you’re going to see a 180 turn on their strategy over the next several weeks,” Mr Obama said.” Mr Obama told Erdogan that ISIS must be pursued by all sides, echoing a mesغير مجاز مي باشدe he delivered to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday.Mr Putin has said Turkey shot down the jet to protect supplies of oil from ISIS, a claim that Mr Erdogan dismisses as “slander”.

Mr Obama said he did not expect a quick reversal of Mr Putin’s strategy in Syria, but Moscow may eventually align itself withthe US-led coalition fighting ISIS.But hopes of the de-escalation called for by Mr Obama suffered a setback when Russia officially announced a list of sanctions to be imposed on Turkey and sources said Moscow may also freezework on a major gas pipeline project.Mr Obama met Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan in Paris, where they have been attending a climate summit, a week after Turkis hjets shot down a Russian warplane along the Syrian border Mr Obama stressed that US support for its Nato ally’s security remained steadfast.

Tensions between Russia and Turkey have complicated US efforts to prod Moscow into steering its military might towards ISIS rather than Western-backed Syrian Opposition groups. The Soviet Union inv-aded Afghanistan in 1979 to prop up a pro-Moscow government but withdrew a decade later after failing to beat Afghan guerrillas.He also raised the spectre of Afghanistan in warning Russia against getting bogged down in its military campaign to prop up Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.With Mr Putin committed to keeping Mr Assad in power in Damascus, Mr Obama did not expect Russian warplanes to shift their focus soon to hitting ISIS rather than other opposition groups. “We discussed how Turkey and Russia can work together to de-escalate tensions and find a diplomatic path to resolve this issue.

Meanwhile, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu called for the opening of communication channels between Ankara and Moscow to prevent further incidents like the downing of the warplane. Putin understands that with Afghani-stan fresh in the memory for him to simply get bog-ged down in an inconclusive and paralysing civil conflict is not the outcome that he’s looking for,” Mr Obama told a press conference

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[ ۸ آذر ۱۴۰۰ ] [ ۰۶:۲۸:۴۳ ] [ fofinisil ]

The letter, dated April 18 2017 and addressed to one “Comrade Prakash”, was found from the home of Delhi-based activist Rona Wilson, the police claimed.The district police claimed that there was no Maoist activity in the district as most of its members were either apprehended or surrendered. Though, some Maoist activities had come to light in the district till 2014, local police said that they had succeeded in quelling the modules at their initial stage of recruitment.Pointing out that Rituparna Goswami was associated with left ideologies, while in JNU, sources in Assam Police however said that they are yet to get any direction from home ministry to corroborate the findings of Maharashtra police.The rational for the alleged assassination plot Three dimensional letter Signs in the letter is to end Modi-Raj because of the electoral victories of the BJP and its allies in assembly elections. The letter is signed “R” which, the police suspect, is for “Rona Wilson”.

The security agencies have launched a hunt for comrade Prakash alias Nabin Mech alias Rituparna Goswami, who hails from Assam in connection with a sensational letter that has revealed Maoist plan to assassinate Prime Minister Narendra Modi.”It says despite “big defeats like Bihar and West Bengal, PM Modi had successfully established BJP governments in more than 15 states.”

The letter also talks about raising Rs. The letter is addressed to a Maoist leader named Prakash.Rona Wilson and four others were arrested on Wednesday for links with the banned CPI-Maoist.Pleading for their custody before a sessions court, the police referred to a letter that they claimed had been found in the Delhi home of Rona Wilson, a member of the group Committee for Release of Political Prisoners.

Though, security agencies are tight lipped about the media reports, the ongoing investigation into the Maoist plot to assassinate Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a roadshow has pointed finger towards Rituparna also referred as Ritupam Goswami who is reported to have been leading a normal in Upper Assam’s Tinsukia district.

Indicating that Rituparna Goswami, a former student at JNU, is believed to have been leading a normal life somewhere in Assam, security forces did not rule out the possibility of Rituparna Goswami’s name being misused by Maoist cadres.A copy of the letter, released by news agency says “defeating Hindu fascism has been our core agenda and a major concern” and adds: “We are working to consolidate ties with like-minded organisations, political parties, representatives of minorities across the country.” Stating that the trend would mean trouble for the party on all fronts, the letter talked about “senior comrades” proposing “concrete steps to end the Modi-era. 8 crore to buy American M-4 rifles and four lakh rounds.Pune police claimed to have intercepted a purported letter between Maoist leaders

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[ ۸ آذر ۱۴۰۰ ] [ ۰۵:۴۴:۳۲ ] [ fofinisil ]

The series is about expression and movement and rhythm, pattern and process describe the essence of my work,” she says.. Once it starts from a particular place, it is infinite,” she says. I don't look at things black and white. Her collection in charcoal is dominated by figurative works, where she explores the intricacies and details of the human form, colour, space and dimensions. It is a reminder of the elements that I have picked up from there,” Yadav, who has travelled reasonably in the past, says. “The centre being the heart, the core, like a seed from where everything just goes haywire. 43 of her art works in three different mediums will be on display in an exhibition titled "Ascension: An Ode to Expression and Movement," that begins today at India Habitat Centre here. “I also Custom Aluminum letter Signs factory believe that colour can influence and transform the human experience. She moves it around, working from each side and angle until the painting is complete. It helps me connect with the composition. Discarding the conventional method of fixing a canvas on an easel while painting, the 47-year-old artist who calls herself an active painter, likes to lay it flat on the table in order to have a multi-dimensional access to it.When a multitude of colours explodes creating a flamboyant mayhem on canvas, it creates an illusion of energy and positivity, often exuding happiness. “My abstract landscapes are interpretations of what I see around me. I think the best expression is through colours,” she says. Seeming to originate from a central point, her work in acrylic on canvas displays a liberal use of vibrant colour and multiple layering techniques offering vivacity to the art work. I see colours in everything and colours make me happy. Interspersed with bar codes and airport codes, she insists they are not stories or narratives leading to some serious issues in the world but sheer memories from the places she has travelled. Proficient in three mediums — acrylic, ink and charcoal — Yadav is a self taught artist whose works reflect spontaneity to create an emotional impact of colours, texture, light, atmospheric condition and composition of ground and space.” Her work in ink displays her affinity for fine line drawings. The artist, who has been painting for 11 years now, also works in charcoal, but her love for colours remains immaculate and finds a place in her works in the monochrome medium as well. “My work in ink is like a travelogue which reminds me of the places I have been to, so they all have bar codes and airport codes. Drawing inspiration from nature and her own emotions, she brings alive the beauty of evoking surprise by mixing pigments, as she captures the momentum of life itself. She says, working in this manner, “allows me the freedom to engage in the piece in its entirety and not just from one perspective. Delhi-based artist Rashmi Sikand Yadav delves into this illusional space by exploring expressive linear gestures and unique textures in her abstract acrylic paintings, intending to portray a sense of unbridled happiness

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[ ۲۷ مهر ۱۴۰۰ ] [ ۰۵:۲۳:۳۵ ] [ fofinisil ]

She explains, “There are a lot of engrossing short-stories and novels with interesting minor characters that can be translated to the visual space. And yes, there are others too from the league of great painters from both the occidental and oriental worlds,” she says. “The bard is an evergreen, eternal inspiration. The way a tiny seedling elongates into a plant and then grows upwards to be a strong tree, similarly a child grows into an adult one fine day. I had to search through my own core for inspiration. As of now, we know that if autumn is here winter can’t be too far. Then Mother Nature came to the fore to answer my quest, which resulted in these Signature specimens. Earlier, I had done a lot of group series. Only time will tell whether she will revive the same series in an all-new form this year. Originally self-taught, she now hones her craft and technical skills under the tutelage of noted painter Rajib Sur Roy. So there are different stages to suggest different types of appearances in a single human life,” she explains. If my contribution comes to benefit society, then that would make me happy and leave me a satisfied soul. “For the past three years, I have been learning the ropes from him which I find both engaging and enriching,” she says. You see any art form is a spontaneous outburst of powerful thoughts, emotions and feelings.” She adds that there is an uncanny resemblance between a child and a sapling.“This is my debut solo oeuvre. In fact, she had paid a thought-provoking tribute to the Nobel laureate at a group exhibition in February 2012 at Kolkata’s Chemould Gallery. Having evolved as an artist over time, Mahapatra reveals that she occasionally fiddles with pastel chromes and water-tints besides Custom Resin letter Signs her favourite acrylic dyes. I would consider it the greatest reward for my artistic work,” she says, immensely gratified. “There were seven significant women characters taken out of his widely celebrated literary works, namely, Damini, Krishnakali, Pujarini, Chitrangada, Prakriti, Nandini, Sreemati and Labanya,” she recounts.Mahapatra is also an entrepreneur, columnist, homemaker and a nature-obsessed traveller apart from her prominent identity as a painter. At least that’s what she insists. “The connection is actually metaphorical. From tall trees, budding blossoms, shades of different seasons, a slide of dawn-to-dusk, diverse moments and moods of the day, a deep blue sea to a fathomless ocean, she offered a pleasing array breathes with heart-touching aesthetics. I can only pitch in my bit via my route, which is my art. So as soon as I stepped into my art studio, which is my privy chamber, I kept contemplating what to conceptualise and create for this particular exposition. Mahapatra had delivered a series on Tagore’s heroines..Next, she plans to unpack a complete series, exclusively devoted to child characters, chosen from the gems of Bengali literature.Last December, Mahapatra had presented a segment on Winter Witness, a series of landscapes in acrylic paints.Held at Kolkata’s Academy of Fine Arts, the exhibition of 26 exquisite paintings, adorned with acrylic colours on the canvas, was aptly titled Signature with an extra stress on the word nature to accentuate its predominant theme. So from an absolute cipher, you could perceive a prominent portrait with sketches and ornate imageries gradually taking shape to unfurl a whole new sequence,” the artist elaborates, recalling her journey from beginning to the end. Her latest collection is also for a good cause.Nature is her signature. It kind of bailed me out of a crisis of nothingness. Kolkata-based artist Rumki Mahapatra recently unveiled in her exhibition a bouquet of flora and foliage, cocooned inside the deep bowers of nature alongside the beauty of its precious elements like earth, wind, rain, fire and ether. Nature was understandably mingled with the subject as the artist’s repertoire remains unfinished without the constant motif of nature. So at once I decided to stand by its cause in my own capacity. “This voluntary welfare organisation has moved me immensely with its guiding principle and the philanthropic work that it is diligently committed to. She refers to Tagore’s ardent love and worship for nature as an influence on her aesthetic leanings and pursuits. The proceeds from it’s sales will go to Touchworld, a society dedicated to children of inmates at various correctional homes and their families across West Bengal

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[ ۲۷ مهر ۱۴۰۰ ] [ ۰۵:۲۱:۳۴ ] [ fofinisil ]

The panelists voiced that India must embrace this opportunity by deploying 5G networks early, efficiently, and pervasively as well as emerge as a significant innovator and technology supplier at the global level. Emphasis should be placed on 5G touching the lives of rural and weaker economic segments so as to make it a truly inclusive technology.. Likewise, the governments effort to connect 2.

The attraction of the forum was, ‘Technology Show – by FIWARE Foundation member companies namely – NEC Technology India, APInf, MobilePedia and Smart Cities Lab Ltd where they demonstrated the OPEN SOURCE PLATFORM designed and developed by the FIWARE FOUNDATION– a market-ready open source software, combining components that enable the connection to IoT with Context Information Management and Big Data services in the Cloud.5 lakh Gram Panchayats with BharatNet project was discussed to leverage the smart villages concept in India.

The forum highlighted the need of forward-looking policies and a proactive government to play a role in the development of smart cities and villages on the bedrock of JAM Trinity which has 1bn bank accounts (Jan Dhan) + 1bn Aadhaar + 1bn mobile broadband users, already organised for the technological revolution in this space, thus, Capitalising the connected World with the help of modern & niche technologies like 5G, GIS, IoT, m2m and others.Participants from across the globe got the opportunity to meet Stellapps Technologies – an end-to-end dairy technology solutions company – the first of its kind in India, Sensorise – an IOT Services and Solutions company, Phoenix Robotix – a network-IoT and Big data company, Sensable – an IoT company offering end-to-end smart solutions using artificial intelligence and machine learning, C-DOT – an autonomous Telecom R&D Centre of Department of Telecommunications (DOT)

Government of India – showcasing Common Service Platform for m2m communications on oneM2M specifications.The 6th edition of India m2m + iot Forum 2019, the national forum on machine-to-machine (m2m) and internet of things (iot) focused on applications of these disruptive technologies in smart cities and villages space was concluded on 15th January after 2 days of enthralling series of Panel discussions, Keynote addresses, Technology show at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The forum was jointly organised by the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (DMS, IIT - Delhi), FI Media (Future Internet and Electronic Media - a prestigious project of the European Union) and India m2m + iot Forum.

The forum also hosted a dedicated session on India-EU Dialogue on ICT for Smart Cities which was organised by the prestigious project, namely, ‘India-EU ICT Collaboration Standardisation’ of the Delegation of European Union to India, highlighting the absolute need for ‘Leveraging Standards for Smart Cities’, which brought together key stakeholders and Custom Hanging light box Signs smart city officials.5G vision for India was also one of the major highlights of the 2-day forum, as 5G technology has the potential for ushering a major societal transformation in India by enabling a rapid expansion of the role of information technology across manufacturing, education, healthcare, agriculture, finance and social sectors

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[ ۳۱ شهريور ۱۴۰۰ ] [ ۰۹:۴۱:۴۵ ] [ fofinisil ]

A French pilot crossed the English Channel on Wednesday in a flying car that looks part dune buggy, part paraglider.Named “Pegasus” — a winged horse in Greek mythology – the flying car is the brainchild of Jerome Dauffy, an entrepreneur inspired by early aviators such as Brazilian Alberto Santos-Dumont and Frenchman Louis Bleriot who made the first flight across the Channel in 1909.

“The automotive and aeronautic industries were born around a century ago and it’s only now that we are managing to combine the two modes,” Dauffy said.” Vezzoli landed safely 59 km away, near the English port town of Dover. His first ambition had been to build a flying machine that could travel round the world in 80 days.

“Usually you land on the ground, but in this case we would have to do a sea-landing.Under a clear blue sky, Bruno Vezzoli launched his flying machine down an abandoned wartime runway near Calais, lurching from side to side as he slowly gained Custom Blade Signs altitude suspended beneath a giant canopy.“I would say that the biggest risk, just like with any engine-powered machine, would be a breakdown,” Vezzoli told Reuters TV as he made his pre take-off checks

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[ ۲۰ مرداد ۱۴۰۰ ] [ ۰۶:۳۳:۳۱ ] [ fofinisil ]

"The Justice Department upholds the rule of law - and we owe it to the victims and their families to carry forward the sentence imposed by our justice system.Lee will be the first one to be executed, with the date set for December 9, 2019.There are currently 62 federal inmates on death row, including Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who planted a deadly bomb at the Boston Marathon in 2013.The other three inmates who will be executed are Wesley Ira Purkey, who raped and murdered a teenaged girl, Alfred Bourgeois, who ***ually molested and killed his young daughter, and Dustin Lee Honken, who shot and killed five people."US President Donald Trump has called for increasing the use of the death penalty for drug traffickers and mass shooters, a request the Justice Department has since laid the groundwork to carry out.Washington: The US Justice Department on Thursday reinstated a two-decades long dormant policy allowing the federal governments use of capital punishment and immediately scheduled the executions for five death row federal inmates.

In March 2018, Sessions also called on federal prosecutors to seek the death penalty when bringing cases against drug dealers and traffickers as part of a strategy to help combat the opioid crisis.Another is Lezmond Mitchell, who was found guilty by a jury in Arizona of stabbing a 63-year-old grandmother and forcing her young granddaughter to sit next to her lifeless body on a car journey before slitting the girls throat.The Justice Department said it has scheduled executions for five federal inmates who have been convicted of horrific murders and *** crimes, with Custom Color letter Signs Suppliers more planned in the future.

That decision will make it easier for states to import such drugs after many pharmaceutical companies cut off supplies."Congress has expressly authorised the death penalty through legislation adopted by the peoples representatives in both houses of Congress and signed by the President," Attorney General William Barr said in a statement.

"Each of these inmates has exhausted their appellate and post-conviction remedies," the department said, adding that all five executions will take place at the US Penitentiary, Terre Haute, Indiana. Most recently in May, the departments Office of Legal Counsel took steps to make it easier for states to carry out executions by declaring that the Food and Drug Administration lacked the power to regulate lethal injection drugs. All five will be executed by lethal injection using a single drug - phenobarbital.Those inmates include Daniel Lewis Lee, a white supremacist who was convicted in Arkansas for murdering a family of three, including an eight-year-old girl.Early on in the administration, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered the Federal Bureau of Prisons to examine what steps might be required to resume the use of the death penalty, a Justice Department official said

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[ ۱۱ مرداد ۱۴۰۰ ] [ ۰۷:۳۲:۳۹ ] [ fofinisil ]
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